We are currently experiencing a high volume of orders.
January is fully booked.
If you want to place an order, we will be booking standard loads in the earliest slots we have available.
Large loads will be booked for the end of February and throughout March.
If you are not in a hurry for your order, please request your delivery for March.
Thank you for your cooperation.
(last updated 14th January 2025)
The kindling comes in a 9" x 9" x 12" box.
The kindling is cut from locally sourced chestnut, softwood and pallet wood (heat treated only).
The sticks are approximately 20cm ( 8") in length.
No fancy equipment here, we cut it all and box it up by hand.
Due to lack of storage space, we cut the kindling to order.
We can supply kindling when we deliver your firewood, just ask for it when you place your order.
If you only need kindling, we can deliver it when we have another firewood order in your area, or you can arrange to come and collect the kindling from us.

We are no longer putting labels on our kindling boxes,
to save paper, plastic and ink.
Our box tape is also plastic free.
Instructions for use can be found below.
How to use
Place 1 or 2 firelighters in the middle of the fire grate.
Make a pyramid of kindling around them.
Carefully light the firelighters.
Safety First
Always keep away from children and pets.
Do not leave unattended.